As a user of smartphone, battery is the most important component for smartphone’s life. As a power energy, battery already presents in many kind different. Such as Li-Ion and Li- Polimer.
But occasionally, we are be forgot or not knowing how to take care the battery by right method. For the example, we making charge full a night by leaving to sleep. In the fact, the act is not a right method. And by the wrong attitude at smartphone, the act will make a damaged on age of your battery.
Battery felt be warm
Smartphone with many operate of applications will make your smartphone be warm when be hold. But that is common case, different with this case when your battery be warm and nothing application that processed.
Recent Full but Battery Quick to low.
If this case be happen, many process must be inspected. Starting in app that processed on the background and so on. But if your battery significant to low, your battery have a problem.
Battery looked be in inflated
This factor is usually be found. Your battery is certain in problem if looked be in inflated and can not hold out too long in full. Because, saving energy on your battery not working on optimal. In usually this case be found at charge in more duration.
If your phone have a that signal, I am recommend to you to replace by new battery.